Breaking The Notion of a Book Being a Box— A Visual Experiment

Type: Self Initiated, experimental
Timeframe: ~5 weeks

Brief: Challenge the conventional norms of engaging with a book and redefine the experience of reading.
Purpose: To break some publication rules.

The goal was to "Break a Book" which I extended to "Break the Way You Handle and Interact with a Book"

The Aim

1- Idea, Structure & Outline
2- Getting Crafty
3- Custom Grid
4- The Final Book


Idea, Structure and Outline

This was the outline of how the book will exist— with specifics like form, shape and function

The very purpose behind sharing a story is to take the reader through words and visuals but what if they very literally were made to come along and twist and turn a muscle with you?

I was reading a piece of literature and was lucky enough to come across the word 'revolve' during the project and was struck by how you can extract bigger meanings out of a single word in itself, not just visually but even literally.

Getting Crafty

I prototyped the book where the book exists as growing ripples stacked one on top of another. It's notable to mention that the idea to pinch the circle as shown, was inspired by how taco shells are folded into half!

I have nothing more to say except that this stage of the project got me into a deep state of flow while I was fooling around with paper, my most favorite medium to prototype in!

Custom Grid

CHere's where I realized that the space on my paper was not going to be easy to make utilization of with the real estate being circular. I took to nature and was inspired very simply a flower to make a grid and that would let me make use of the circular space I was getting into.

The Final Book

This is the final book, how it looks, how one might use it and how it became to be!